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0 produse / 0 lei
Bucharest: / 0723.743.878 / 0745.476.693 / 0767.683.389
CATERING PROGRAM Monday-Sunday: 10:30-23:30
RESTAURANT PROGRAM Monday-Sunday: 12:00-00:00
Shipping free in
Bucharest and Ilfov
Minimum order Bucharest is 47 lei
Minimum order Ilfov is 87 lei
see map

Rice / 14

Rice with nuts
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Rice with nuts Mancare chinezeasca Orez cu alune
Rice with nuts

rice, peanuts, Chinese salt, oil

19,00 Lei / 300 g
Rice with Pineapple
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Rice with Pineapple Mancare chinezeasca Orez cu ananas
Rice with Pineapple

rice, pineapple, egg, salt, vinegar

19,00 Lei / 300 g
Rice with cumin
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Rice with cumin Mancare chinezeasca Orez cu chimen
Rice with cumin

rice, mutton, vegetables, hot sauce, salt, Chinese spices

19,00 Lei / 300 g
Rice with mushrooms
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Rice with mushrooms Mancare chinezeasca Orez cu ciuperci
Rice with mushrooms

Rice, mushrooms, salt

19,00 Lei / 300 g
Rice with seafood
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Rice with seafood Mancare chinezeasca Orez cu fructe de mare
Rice with seafood

rice, seafood, salt

29,00 Lei / 300 g
Rice with vegetables
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Rice with vegetables Mancare chinezeasca Orez cu legume
Rice with vegetables

rice, cucumbers, vegetables, peas, mushrooms, onion, salt

19,00 Lei / 300 g
Rice with eggs
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Rice with eggs Mancare chinezeasca Orez cu ou
Rice with eggs

rice, egg, onion, oil, salt

19,00 Lei / 300 g
Rice with corn
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Rice with corn Mancare chinezeasca Orez cu porumb
Rice with corn

rice, corn, green onions, salt

19,00 Lei / 300 g
Rice with smoked ham
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Rice with smoked ham Mancare chinezeasca Orez cu sunca afumata
Rice with smoked ham

rice, smoked ham, leek, carrot, cucumber, salt, Chinese salt

19,00 Lei / 300 g
Curry rice
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Curry rice Mancare chinezeasca Orez Curry
Curry rice

rice, minced meat, curry sauce, salt

19,00 Lei / 300 g
Sichuan rice
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Sichuan rice Mancare chinezeasca Orez Sichuan
Sichuan rice

rice, peas, carrots, onions, soy sauce, salt

19,00 Lei / 300 g
Simple rice
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Simple rice Mancare chinezeasca Orez simplu
Simple rice
15,00 Lei / 300 g
Yang Zhou rice
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Yang Zhou rice Mancare chinezeasca Orez Yang Zhou
Yang Zhou rice

rice, ham, peas, carrots, egg, Chinese salt

19,00 Lei / 300 g
Rice with minced meat
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Rice with minced meat Mancare chinezeasca Orez cu carne tocata
Rice with minced meat
19,00 Lei / 300 g
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